Candid beauty

Echivalentul lui candid photography in română este instantaneul. Nefast omonim. Wikipedia englezească ne ajută cu o definitie mai graitoare si zice –

A candid photograph is a photograph that is captured without creating a posed appearance. This is achieved by avoiding prior preparation of the subject and by either surprising the subject or by not distracting the subject during the process of taking photos. Thus, the candid character of a photo is regardless of the subject’s knowledge or consent as to the fact that photos are being taken, and regardless of the subject’s permission for subsequent usage such as distribution, but related to the apparent absence of posing. It is distinguished from making secret photography by the photographer usually remaining discernible to the public and not wearing cover.

Din teorie in practica, astazi va impartasesc 3 fotografii trase acolo unde instantaneul candid s-a intalnit cu beauty si .. in urma carora … puteti vedea:


Morgana (2006)



Caligrafie (2008)



Diana – studio hijack (2009)


Si daca tot s-a strigat beauty, coloana sonora de azi vine de la cea mai frumoasa dintre Doamne, de cand a aparut fotografia, incoace –




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